Cassandra Reeder is an American home cook and self-confessed geek who creates food inspired by books, movies and TV. So to celebrate the iconic movie, The Princess Bride, turning 35, Cassandra has created 50 recipes that pay homage to the movie. She says some of the recipes are inspired by thoughtful analysis of the film, while others were inspired by silly puns or some of the historical elements of the movie.
The Princess Bride is my favourite movie of all time, so I couldn't resist this quirky cookbook written as a love letter to the film. So what recipes feature in the book, pray tell, I hear you ask?
There is Farm Boy Stew, inspired by the character Wesley that Buttercup calls her Farm Boy. It's a chicken stew with fresh cream and goat's cheese.
Who could resist the Prepare to Die, Fiery Spanish Croquettes, inspired by one of the famous lines in the movie? These are based on traditional Spanish Fried Dumplings that are so spicy, she says alert your taste buds to 'prepare to die!'
Of course, Florin is the fictional kingdom where the story takes place. So Cassandra has imagined that people might eat cuisine similar to the Danish, so she has created a fictional National Dish of Florin, based on a Danish Dish called 'burning love' where you would use swedes or turnips or potatoes.
She even has a Swordmasters' Fon-Duel (enjoy the pun!) inspired by the famous sword fight.
And if you are after something sweet, you can't go past the Twu Wuv Twuffles, as there are many monologues about True Love in the book and film.
What more can I say? This cookbook is utterly delightful, quirky and playful. The perfect food to pair with your next screening of this fabulous film!
Reviewer: Karen McMillan
Allen & Unwin
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