Fred Dagg meets Mother Goose, again, in this next edition of Kiwi-fied versions of popular children’s nursery rhymes. Once again award-winning author Peter Millett and illustrator Scott Tulloch have joined forces to give 20 new classics a Kiwi makeover.
Millett has written numerous children’s books over the years, including the Johnny Danger DIY Spy series, The Anzac Puppy and The Anzac Biscuit Man. Tulloch’s illustrations can be found in numerous books, including the NZCYA shortlisted I Am Not A Worm, and The Silly Goat Gruff. Together, the pair create another hilarious book that needs to be read aloud together.
The Itsy Bitsy Spider climbs the dunny spout, the eels in the tub go round and round, and Little Miss Moppet has her kai stolen by cheeky seagulls.
There are Kiwiana references galore, with kea, rugby, pavlova and sheep sprinkled liberally throughout the book. Millett does a wonderful job ensuring that the rhyme and rhythm of the original nursery rhymes remain intact. This makes them instantly recognisable, and adds to the delight as children realise their old favourite has been remastered. There were giggles galore with the remastered Old MacDonald – who has some huhu grubs bro – and the action song Kiwi Bird, Kiwi Bird (instead of Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear).
Tulloch’s trademark simple and bright illustrations work perfectly alongside the nursery rhymes. He does a great job hiding little inside Kiwi jokes within the pictures to spot too – from a hokey pokey tablecloth to the Southern Cross stars in the night sky.
This would make a great gift to send any Kiwi kids abroad, to remind them of this special place we call home.
Reviewer: Rebekah Fraser
Bateman, RRP $19.99