The latest instalment in this popular series featuring Detective Superintendent Roy Grace is another page-turning, compelling read in a series that just gets better and better.
Niall and Eden Paternoster like to go on Sunday drives, visiting grand country houses. Eden likes to look at them; Niall likes to dream that they will own something similar one day. They usually end up bickering up something or another, as couples who have been together for a while sometimes do. This Sunday, he wants to get home in time to watch the French Grand Prix on TV, but she insists they stop to buy cat litter. So eventually, Niall agrees to stop the car in a large supermarket carpark, and Eden disappears inside for a quick stop to get the cat litter. Niall waits and waits. But Eden never reappears. He goes into the store, but there is no sign of her. Niall goes home, and there is still no sign of her. He calls all of their friends and family, but no one knows where she is. So he calls the police.
A few days later, the police arrest Niall on suspicion of her murder, although he swears he is innocent, and there is no body. Roy Grace is soon on the case of Eden’s disappearance, and he discovers that nothing is what it first seems, in a case full of twists and turns.
This is a pacey, intelligent crime thriller with an ingenious plotline. And as always, I enjoy Roy Grace’s integrity and determination to get to the bottom of these perplexing cases.
Reviewer: Karen McMillan
Macmillan, RRP $34.99