Karl Maughan is not just the best-known garden painter in New Zealand – he is one of the most successful in the world.
This new book celebrates his work and showcases more than 150 of his paintings. Since his first solo exhibition in 1987, he has committed to painting gardens that offer a sense of possibility, mystery and delight.
In the book there is a foreword by Dick Frizzell, an introduction from the editors, and then essays by Linda Tyler, Phil King and Gregory O’Brien, and Karl Maughan’s art is presented chronologically. The first section is work from 1986 to 1994 in Auckland, then 1994 to 2005 in London, then 2006 to 2020 in Wellington. There are so many stand out images. As they say a picture paints a thousand words! It’s also fascinating to get images of Karl working in his studio.

This is the most beautiful book of 2020! A perfect gift for others, although I think you’ll purchase and then decide to keep for yourself as it’s simply stunning!
Reviewer: Karen McMillan
Auckland University Press