I have to admit to being a bit of an old hand at jam making, so seeing this book I wondered what it could possibly tell me that hasn’t already been done many times before.
This is a New Zealand book so that’s great. Often the imported ones use ingredients that we can’t easily access. There is a great introduction in the book which clearly explains the difference between jam. Jelly, marmalade and curd. It goes on to explain what pectin is and how different fruits differ in their pectin levels. There is also a recipe for making your own pectin from apples. There are comprehensive instructions on getting set up with equipment, and the importance of sterilising jars. Lots of useful tips are provided, including what to do if your jam doesn’t set.
The recipes are varied and accompanied by some lovely photos. The last section of the book is full of Companion Pieces – the delicious ways the jams and curds can be used in baking . This is great as often we make our preserves and then don’t know what to do with them!
I would definitely give this book to someone who is wanting to get started with preserving as it gives some very good and practical advice. The overall presentation is great, but I did find some of the recipes a bit hard to read especially where there is a grainy background. It would also be helpful to know when fruits are in season, but that is something the preserver will discover when they learn to go in search of raw materials.
Overall a great guide for the novice preserver.
REVIEWER: Rachel White
TITLE: In a Jam
AUTHOR(S): Kirsten Day
PUBLISHER: Bateman Publishing
RRP: $29.99