Will open for entries in May 2025
NZ Booklovers Awards 2026

NZ Booklovers Award for Best Adult Fiction Book 2026, sponsored by Lighthouse PR
We are looking for the best in storytelling, a novel we couldn't put down.
NZ Booklovers Award for Best Lifestyle Book 2026, sponsored by Benefitz
Cooking, wine, architecture, lifestyle, home and garden, design, fashion - all the non-fiction books that have the ability to enrich our daily lives.
NZ Booklovers Award for Best Children’s Picture Book 2026, sponsored by Duckling Publishing
We are looking for the best children's picture book that helps engage young readers and foster a love of books.
NZ Booklovers Award for Best Junior Fiction Book 2026, sponsored by The Kiwi Kids' Bookstore
The best of children's fiction for 7 to 12 year olds that is child-friendly and encourages even the most of reluctant of readers to develop a love of reading.
NZ Booklovers Award for Best Young Adult Book 2026, sponsored by Seeds Podcast
The best young adult book suitable for young people finding their way in the world. Whether fantasy or grounded in reality, we are looking for a read that will entertain but also provoke thought.
Prize: $500 for each category to the winning author.
Shortlist announced 20 February 2026, winners announced 20 March 2026.
NZ citizens or permanent residents, and New Zealanders living overseas, are eligible in each category.
Books published between 1 January and 31 December 2025 are eligible.
Entries can be entered by the publisher or author, or for self-published authors with book distribution in NZ, by the author, their book distributor or book publicist.
Three physical books should be sent to NZ Booklovers, 22/4 Stables Lane, Silverdale, Auckland 0932, to be on sent to the individual judges. Either include the entry form when you send books, or email the entry form to karen_m@xtra.co.nz
There is an administration fee of $32.
All entries need to be sent to NZ Booklovers by 10 December 2025, and we encourage books to be sent to us in the month of publication, if possible, through the year.
Note that the NZ Booklovers Awards are separate from the book reviews that we do and entry does not guarantee we will review your book on our website. We also do not provide feedback to entrants about books entered.